Newlands Primary School

Newlands Primary School
The generous LORD NEWLANDS donated this fine building in1896. He instructed the stonemasons to carve 'NEWLANDS PUBLIC SCHOOL' into the sandstone. Welcome all visitors! Click on the link "COMMENTS" below each Post to read what others have to say. And leave a Comment of your own too while you're here!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Janefield Street

Here is a wee photy of me "Brian Charlton" (the chubby wee guy in the waistcoat), with my big brother "Eddie" (right front) and my 2 big cousins "John and Mae McEwan". It was taken in my granny's back court in Janefield street (Circa 1955). I can't remember my granny's close number but it was about the 3rd close on the left coming in to Janefield street from Springfield road. The houses in the background behind us are in Dalriada street with Janefield on the right.

One memory I have of Janefield street is that a man (we usually called him the gypsy) used to come to the street with a wee pony and trap and all the kids would line up for a ride in the wee cart for thrupence a time. He would get about 6 or 8 kids in at a time and the ride would be right up the back of Celtic park, past the prefabs and under the railway bridge at Stamford street and back again. It felt as if it was going at about 50 miles an hour with the wind blowing in our hair and the kids all letting out whoops of joy. It was a rare terr, so it wis. But the poor wee pony must have been knackered by the time all the kids in the area had a wee run (some rich yins mer than wan).


Scotbandit said...

Gosh Brian, I loved it when that man arrived in Edmiston Street with his pony and trap. I can remember begging and pleading with my mum for the money to get a ride in the cart. It had two leather-covered benches - one ran along each side of the trap. Four kids could easily fit on one bench and four opposite too, but the times I managed to pay up, there would only be 3 of us on at the most. Also, he only walked the pony round the block from the corner of Palace Street, along Janefield, and ending the journey back at the same corner of Edmiston and Palace Streets - right in front of the NESS Family's big corner window. The ride of our lives was always Over far too soon. There was just nothing to compare with this in my memory.

I do believe this was top of the list of brilliant treats for modern day kids having a ride on a space shuttle perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Like Scotbandit (Liz is it?) I too remember the rides on the pony and trap although I dont remember the man being called the gypsy, His name was Jimmy Freer or Jimmy Frail and was a coalman who lived in the last house in Dalriada Street. He also owned lock ups down there and my Dad hired one from him to keep his Red and Whire Lambretta scooter in - I even remember the reg VGB 255 !! 8-)

Joe Hunter

margaret davis young said...

I remember my aunty Peggy Mcmanus from Malcolm st would treat us to a wee ride in that wagon. We had the best fun ever . I will surely never forget those days

Margaret Davis young


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