Ian writes......
______" Hi - just found your site about NEWLANDS and think it's great!
My name is Ian Hyde and my da was the local coalman in the late 50's,60's and early 70's. -- His name was Charlie Hyde or just "Charlie Mac."
Some of you might remember him delivering your coal in the old days.
We lived at 61 Edmiston Street. Then for a while we moved over to number 4 Palace Street before eventually moving to Tollcross.
I went to Newlands and then Rivvie and I remember well Calton Old Parish Church as I was in the Lifebouys and then in the BB there.
I was Born in 1955, and I now live in England."
by.........IAN HYDE .... now from England.
*Ed/Admin note: Thanks for giving us this great wee story about your famous dad Ian !
I'll bet he humphed many a heavy bag up two flights of stairs to my mum's coal bunker at number 18 Edmiston Street. Also. if you want enquiries and email from your long lost pals forwarded to you, please send your e-mail address to LIZ (who goes under the handle Scotbandit) and we'll take care of this for you. We'd also be glad to have a photo of you Ian to show beside your Post. (Thanx for the memories.)
Hi Ian, I do remember you and your dad the coalman. In fact I think we used your Dad's lorry when we moved from 61 Edmiston St (same close as you) over to the other side of the St. to No.48 because it had an inside toilet. As you probably know, it was common to use open back lorry's to do a flitting in those days. I don't know if you remember us, my mother was a widow and my brother was Eddie Charlton.
Regards, Brian.
I too lived in 4 Palace Street from 1948 - 1958 - 2 up , middle flat.
Joe Hunter
Hi Ian my dad Andy Greenhorn worked for your dad,my name is James I was one of your mates I lived at number 71.I was on top of the washouse the day you fell off and knocked yourself out.Get in touch for a catch up my email address is
cheers buddy.
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